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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Leading Ladies

Girl Talk

Can I talk to the ladies for minute?  Ladies, we must begin walking in our God given authority.  I am growing weary of seeing so many women settling in life.  We cannot sit back and think the world is going to give us our fair share or treat us the way we desire.  I stopped by today to remind you to OWN YOUR LIFE . From the kitchen to boardroom we must lead others in the way we should be treated. 

Ladies in you lies the birth of a generation.  The power of your influence can change the course of history.  We can’t complain if we continue to remain passive and not take life by the bridle.  I would like to call every lady reading these words to action.  Rise up and be the difference you want to see in the world.  Not only are you capable you have been chosen.  When air filled your lungs at the start of the day there was a mission for you.  

Begin today, with a renewed outlook.  Start making the minor changes that will lead to a major impact.  I apologize if this comes off a little preachy. It is just that I understand your potential and recognize that time is of essence.  I want to see us being the bridge to nations, but we can’t do that under the thumbs of mediocrity.  We must ignite and shine bright every moment of every day, and recover the world which dawned from our wombs.

Reach Within and Shine Your Light…

Illuminated Living

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