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Thursday, November 15, 2012

At Your Service

Be A Vessel

Lord, use me I am at your service

Do you have days where you feel used, drained, and depleted?  Well that is time you should allow God to pour into you. John 15:5 tells us “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  You see we must remain in the word of God in order to minister.  Otherwise you find yourself empty, crying, and longing to give, but without proper measure.

Becoming a Vessel God Can Use

[Excerpt taken from "A Ten-Week Journey to Becoming A Vessel God Can Use" by Donna Partow]


the way God made you.

Be EMPTIED of self

to make room for God.

Allow God to CLEANSE you

even if the process is painful.

Be FILLED and constantly refilled

with the Living Water of the Holy Spirit.

POUR OUT your life

in ministry as God directs.

Additional Reading

Who is Pouring Into You” by YouthWorker Movement -- speaks to being a vessel and finding the right support to help you in ministry.

Family Devotion: Jesus Frees You to Love

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