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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bright Lights | Children Blazing An Illuminated Path

Children Leading the Way

"Sometimes you can't do things when you get older because the torch of youth has burned out." ~ Melanie Maclin (age 10)

Did you catch the above quote? Yes, it's from my daughter. I guess she takes after her mom. She said this in passing one day while we were driving and I immediately got a pen and paper to jot it down.  It was truly an inspiring message.  There are some things you just have to do while your young.  I believe God designed it that way. This article by What Christians Want to Know gives many examples of youth in the bible. Our youth shouldn't be discounted, for there is a purpose in the torch of youth.

Society often wants to focus on what is wrong with our youth instead of shining light on all that is going well with our younger generation. I believe if you look for bad you will find it, and the same applies if you look for good.  As I attended events for my children last night I was totally elated by their accomplishments. So today, I set out to shine light on other children making strides for a better tomorrow.

In this article by Cosmoloan hightlights 10 children who are totally blazing an Illuminated path.  Check out the article and share it with your children today. 

We must insinuate the positive to eliminate the negative. Let's get behind our children and all their bright ideas, and let them lead the way into a better tomorrow.

10 Inspirational Child Entrepreneurs

If you’re never too old to follow your dreams, then you are never too young to get them underway. While some kids are out scraping their knees and playing in dirt, others are dutifully honing their business skills, devising innovative ways to monetize on their ideas either all on their own or through government grants for entrepreneurs. {excerpt}

Here are 10 inspiring stories of exceptional child entrepreneurs and their path to success .

Get Involved

Kidpreneur Tour is the first and only nationwide youth entrepreneur event. KT2013 is a grassroots effort to create more kidpreneurs.  Kidpreneur will travel the country teaching and encouraging kids all across America to fulfill their dreams.  Kidpreneur power clinics brings kids in and sends them home ready to do business. This hands-on workshop gives them everything they need from marketing to saving and investing. Stop the Kidpreneur website today for more information.

Another Inspiring story...

Check JuniorBiz, and the story of the 23 year old founder Nick Tart


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