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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tech News | Digital Publishing and E-Books

The Digital Age of E-Books

“Lovers of print are simply confusing the plate for the food.” ~ Douglas Adams

The e-book revolution is changing the book publishing space quickly and completely. E-Books are leading the charge to a new age of publishing and marketing of printed media.

Earlier this month, San Antonio, Texas, announced plans to launch a bookless public-library system in the fall, believed to be the first in the country. The library will have 100 e-readers that people can take home, with a catalog of digital book titles available for rent.  The internet is all abuzz with notions that E-Books are ushering the end of paper books.  In my opinion, the technology of E-Books only supply readers with additional options the same way iPod changed the music industry. The new technology will transform the industry, but it will be quite some time before paper books and other printed media will become completely obsolete. 

On the other hand, as a reader, author, publisher and/or web store it’s important to understand the e-book revolution. Keeping abreast of the quickly changing environment will allow you to compete in the marketplace that is rapidly changing.

In the E-Commerce Times article, “How the E-Book Is Reinventing the Book Business”, Jeff Kagan shares insight into the ways that E-Book is changing the landscape.


Change is Something You Can Manage

As the world changes all around you the last thing you want todo is buy into hype and freak out.  Remember change is something you can manage. Let’s take a look at The Satir Change Model with Dale H. Emery (consultant to software teams and leaders). The Satir Change Model describes the stages we go through as we experience significant change. By understanding this model, and knowing what stage of change we are in, we can choose more effective responses, to turn unexpected change into an opportunity to learn and improve.

We should continue to openly discuss the E-Book revolution, in hopes that we can get to happy a medium.  As the above Douglas Adams quote goes let us not confuse the plate for the food.  Books are the nourishment we need for a brighter tomorrow, and I say more books by any means necessary.

In the below interview the Bibliotech Show sits down with  special guest Otis Chandler, CEO and Founder of, on the topic The Evolution of Digital Publishing, which I found to be rather insightful.


Until next time, remember the story ends only if you fail to turn the page.

Additional Reading | ByWater Solutions, “Bookless libraries” and the death of the paper book

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