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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 One Nation Under God

Engaged Nation

Today we pause to remember 9-11-2001. It was a day that tested America at its core. We all can remember where we were on that day.

My Story

Three months prior to 9/11/2001 I had just given birth to my first child. I was filled with anxiety and all the raw emotions of a first time mother.  My husband had a scheduled routine business trip to the Midwest, and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take our new baby to meet his parents (who at the time could not travel).  With MUCH hesitation I agreed. Besides what could go wrong? My daughter would be with her father and would get to see her grandparents for the first time.  I could do this I could be without my newborn child for one week. So on Sunday September 9, 2001 I drove my husband and child to the airport and with baited breath kissed them farewell. Then fast forward 48 hours Tuesday morning September 11, 2001…

I won’t bore you all the details of that happened after that, because it pales in comparison to those that lost their lives, and the families that are still living with the aftermath of that day. I have my husband and my now 12 year old daughter, but what about those that now live with an empty seat at their dinner table? As a nation we mourn with you, and we pray for your comfort and strength.

Praise The Prince of Peace

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~ Isaiah 9:6

As we take time to remember the calamity of that day, let us also render praise to God who sustains us in spite of the horror. We serve a God that is Omnipotent (All-Ruling), Omnipresent (Everywhere At The Same Time), and Omniscient (All Knowing).  It is days like September 11th that jog your conscious into realizing we are nothing without God.  I suppose that everyone in America on that day (believers and non-believers) must have rendered silent prayers. How else could we have coped with something so devasting?

 9-11-2001 We Will Never Forget…

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