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Monday, August 4, 2014

Marriage Fire Starters


“To keep the fire burning brightly there's one easy rule: Keep the two logs together, near enough to keep each other warm and far enough apart-about a finger's breadth-for breathing room. Good fire, good marriage, same rule.”

Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. ~Bruce Lee

Maintaining the Passion In A Marriage

In a marriage sometimes we can grow cold, distracted, wounded, lazy, and neglect the effort to make sure that the fire is burning. The fire of love can be rekindled in your marriage if both people are willing to be fire starters.

Many relate the fire in a marriage to a healthy sex life. Sure, having a burning desire for your spouse will lead to healthy sex life, but the fire in a marriage does so much more than that. Fire is the burning desire to do what is right regarding the other person. You should desire to always have your spouse’s best interest in mind both in and out of the bedroom.

Six Tips for Re-Igniting The Fire In Your Marriage

Fuel Your Fire - Do the things that started the fire initially

Remove complaints nothing puts a flame out faster
 Switch Role – Remove the role of husband/wife and become     boyfriend/girlfriend

Like A Wildfire - Be Spontaneous

Add Some Friction – Touch one another (sexual and non-sexual)

Be A Happy Camper – Show appreciation and enjoy the warmth and light of your fire.

Shelter your marriage flame.  The winds of life will blow seeking to extinguish what may have taken you quite some to ignite.  Anyone who has ever started a fire naturally can relate to the painstaking process.  Fire is an element that is vital to human existence.  It is by fire that we purify, prepare, and find pleasure.

Marriage can sometimes be like a fire. Fire will always burn to limit of its fuel and oxygen supply. Fires can burn brightly or fizzle. Fire becomes balanced when the flames of passion are cooled, and the radiance of the light emerges. This often requires maturity, discipline, and hard work by the fire starter. Fire starters ignite passion for one another, cover and protect the sacred flame once it is lite, and reignite it again when winds of life blows. Be dedicated to making our union glow.

Are you a fire starter in your marriage?

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