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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Opposing Police Brutality

Engaged Nation

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” ~ 1 Peter 5:8

Police Brutality

The recent shooting of Michael Brown (MO) and Ezell Ford (CA) once again has police brutality at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Protests in Ferguson, MO ensued shortly after the shooting of Michael Brown.

A social media activism began over the weekend calling for justice. Social Media raises awareness and may give a platform for organizing. However, it is on the ground (where our children’s blood is being splattered) where real change has to take place.

Emotions are running high all over the country, and rightfully so it seems that every week we are hearing of another police brutality case. The current system has failed time and time again.

So, what can be done to combat police brutality?

We must all be alert and of sober mind while confronting pervasive evil of any kind. You cannot be on alert if you are consumed by rage and emotion. We must remain clear headed and allow love to lead our actions.

I am reminded of quote by Richard Claxton "Dick" Gregory, American Social Activist

“This isn’t a revolution of black against white, this is revolution of right against wrong; and right has never lost”

While advocating for justice against police brutality remember you are standing on the side of right.

4 Ways To Combat Police Brutality

Advocate – Each of us has to do our part to help expose and report injustice.

Educate – Learn about your rights as a citizen. Educate yourself on the current laws in your state.
Legislative and Political Action – Petition for legislation to enact more effective laws to protect the public from police brutality. Help to institute programs of accountability to ensure offenders are held to full extent of the law. Most importantly, VOTE!
Communicate – Keep the topic of police brutality at the forefront of discussion at all times. Hold community strategy meetings to discuss steps for further action.

Final Say

“Keep your eye on the big picture. On the one hand, each individual reform is only one step on a long road to correcting the deeply entrenched problem of police misconduct; on the other hand, important and genuine reforms can be won.
A well-organized, focused campaign against police abuse can draw broad community support. The key is to transform that support into realistic demands and develop strategies that turn those demands into concrete reforms.” Quoted by: American Civil Liberties Union

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