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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pomegranates In The Bible

Sermon Sunday

Have you ever studied the pomegranate in the bible?

Some believe the pomergranate to be the 'forebidden fruit” in the Garden of Eden. It was also one of the seven species brought back by the spies to show how fertile the Promised Land was. Carved figures of the pomegranate were principal ornaments adorning stately columns and pillars in Solomon’s temple as well as worn on the High Priests garments symbolizing life.

​The Hebrew word for “pomegranate” is rimmon with implied meaning “to rise up” or “to be mounted up.”

Learn more about promegranates throughout out the bible by using a good Word Study Concordance.

Listen to a sermon by Dr. J. Vernon McGee "Golden Bells and Pomegranates" via One Place

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