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Monday, October 13, 2014

A License To Marry


An article in the Huffington Post by Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D., Sarkis proposes the question Should Marriage Licenses be Renewable? The question notions one to consider that a marriage license is in some way connected to ties that bind two people together. 

What is the significance of the marriage license?

Marriage License History

Marriage licenses are a relatively new addendum in the long-running history of marriage. The Catholic Church recognized marriages that were solidified by an exchange of vows for centuries. It wasn't until the 12th century that the church made steps toward legalizing marriage, requiring couples to wed inside a church in order for unions to be acknowledged. Early American colonies required registered marriages, though until the 19th century, couples were sufficiently married as long as they were living together. As prohibitive laws began to rise (laws that did not allow whites to marry outside their own race, for instance), marriage licenses started to become necessary documents. By the 1950s, marriage licenses became important for the distribution of benefits under the Social Security Act, as married spouses are allowed to receive money under the legislature. For the most part, marriage licenses legalize and solidify the union between a couple. Source: K C Morgan for e-How

Today marriage licenses are required in all 50 states , and each specific application requirements. Whether or not you favor marriage as a social institution, there's no denying that it confers many rights, protections, and benefits -- both legal and practical. The legal benefits and rights within the confines of marriage are at the core of the marriage debate. 

Rather you like it or not, marriage is a mix of matters of the law and matters of the heart. Marriage predates government, and love doesn’t require permission. A healthy marriage is constantly renewed by the people within the marriage. Marriage is not dictated by a license. For example, there are many horrible drivers that renew their driver's license, but their skills get worse over the years. A marriage is more than a piece of paper, it is your love renewed every single day. True love has no expiration date.

What say you? Do you think marriage licenses should be renewable? What happens if you don't want to renew?

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