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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Leanne Joyce - Positive Impact For Kids

Bright Light

A Girl With A Heart of Gold

(Raleigh, NC) Leanne Joyce is a 15 year old young lady on a mission to raise $100,000 before her high school graduation in 2018.  Leanne aims to grant wishes to children who are in medical inpatient care at hospitals throughout the United States.  The cause is close to Leanne's heart because she has been in their shoes as a patient with congenital heart problems.  On a mission to ease anxiety of patients Leanne is proven to be a young lady with true heart of gold.

Take Part

You can help Leanne raise $10,000 towards her goal by voting for her cause in the KIND Causes October contest ends 10/31 .

Click here to vote for Positive Impact For Kids

Learn more about Positive Impact For Kids at their official website

(Video) 2014 State Honorees: Leanne Joyce, North Carolina By Spirit of Community Awards


• Look for creative opportunities like Kind Causes.

• Use social media and existing campaigns to support your project.

• Be persistent, and do not give up


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