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Saturday, November 8, 2014

National Diabetes Awareness Month

Causes and Awareness

Diabetes and Foot Health

It is diabetes awareness month.  If you have diabetes, your feet need special attention. For many people with diabetes foot health is often forgotten and can result in severe complications such as diabetes neuropathy or amputation.  To try to prevent diabetes related foot complications visit a podiatrist regularly.

Download a free publication by National Diabetes Education Program entitled "Take Care of Your Feet for a Lifetime" to learn ways to care for your feet.

Live Well

An overall wellness plan should include caring for your feet. Our feet serve us everyday. Set aside some time regularly to show your feet a little love.

Regular pedicures are beneficial in many ways:

  • Keep your feet looking pretty
  • Help to control ingrown nails and calluses
  • Skin Moisturized
  • Massage helps to relieve tension
  • Helps to stimulate circulation 

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