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Monday, December 8, 2014

A Bridge To Greater Intimacy


Rather married or in a relationship everyone longs for intimacy, a close spirit to spirit connection.  In the quest for emotional intimacy we sometimes make missteps that create a divide instead for closeness. Today, let's take a look at the subject of intimacy in effort to avoid pitfalls and build a deeper connection.

Like Porcupines

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, talks about intimacy and relationships and why people are like porcupines. via PBS

The 6 Most Common Enemies of Intimacy

Clinical psychologist and marriage counselor for over 40 years, founder of sites six common enemies of Intimacy. 
  • Disconnection
  • Dissing
  • Domination
  • Mistrust
  • Same old, Same old
  • Diminishing Nostalgia

“When you can be courageous enough to face these warning signs of diminishing intimacy before they get out of hand, it will be easier for you and your partner to turn things around. Intimacy is the act of living in the heart of your beloved” 

Read Full Article: The 6 Most Common Enemies of Intimacy via HUFFPOST Healthy Living

Get Closer

Tools You Can Use

To become one with your partner daily is the goal, and intimacy is vital to a healthy and balanced relationship. 

Couples coach Thriving Loving Relationships offers Seven Keys to Deepen the Intimacy 

Remember true intimacy builds slowly over time.  There is always something new to discover and learn. Let the light of your heart build an eternal bridge to everlasting love.

Wishing you greater intimacy,

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