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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Remembering Kayla Mueller

In The News

"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind." ~ Bertrand Russell (Kayla’s favorite quote according to AZ Central)

Aid worker Kayla Mueller is being described as a martyr, humanitarian, activist, and idealist.
Photos Courtesy fo

(ABC News) The terror group ISIS released a statement claiming that Kayla Mueller, a female American hostage the group had been holding, was killed in a Jordanian airstrike recently.

(LA Times) President Obama confirmed for the first time Tuesday that Mueller was one of the hostages Delta Force commandos attempted to rescue in a raid on an oil refinery facility in northern Syria in summer 2014. "I deployed an entire operation -- at significant risk -- to rescue not only her but the other individuals who had been held, and probably missed them by a day or two," Obama said during an interview with BuzzFeed News.

(Fox News) Kayla Mueller’s family has since released a final statement written by the 26 year old while in captivity.

(NBC News) Friends and family of slain ISIS hostage Kayla Mueller said they hoped her death would achieve what she'd worked for before she was kidnapped: raising the awareness of Syrian refugees

According to all reports Kayla was a young lady of purpose and passion, something the world could use more of. As we continue to follow the story, please continue to keep the family and those that were close to Kayla in your prayers.

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