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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Accessing Your Inner Crazy

Living Well

Mental Health

Everyone is Crazy in their Own Special Way

Sometimes people will think you're crazy. That's OK. Everyone is crazy in their own special way. Embrace your crazy.

Can any one human being truly access the “crazy’ in another?  I think the person(s) who needs mental help the most are those that fail to see or recognize their inner crazy.  We live in a fallen world, and one of the byproducts of living in a fallen world is the fact that sometimes things will go amiss.  There will be days when you don’t quite feel yourself.  Days where you struggle to find your center. It is at these times when it’s most important to find your center and reattach to your source of life.  Realign with the one who created the being.  A created thing cannot fix a creation.

At the end of the day the created thing (you and me) can only function in our God given purpose.  As created beings we are used as a vessel or conduit, if you will.  To do the work of the one who created you.

Life gets amiss when the will of the created thing tries to overtake the will of the one that created it.  During this battle of the wills you will always come out on the losing side.  Remember you are the (created) being.  The Master knows all the secret parts, when a part needs fine tuning, when a part needs to be replaced, and most of all when to scrap the whole project and begin again.  We must rest in the hands of the master craftsman. 

As created beings when we are properly aligned with our source we do have the ability to be a beckon of light to others.  We can remind them of their inner greatness.  We can redirect them back to a place of balance.  We can walk beside them until they are able to walk alone.

We live in a world where so many people are not living their God given purpose and are becoming carbon copies instead of living out their reason for being.  I read a quote recently, “Be a voice and not an echo”.  An echo has to rely on a voice for its purpose.  I come today to remind you that are the voice and that your life has an exclusive purpose.

The one that created you has the key to unlock your purpose.  Commune daily with your source and blaze a trail that only you can. 

May you be empowered to do what you are already equipped to do.

~Shine Light~


  1. Anonymous10/11/2012

    Proverbs 19:21 shares this thought that is in line with your read:

    Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

  2. Amen to that and what a sovereign God we serve. Thanks for stopping by, and please don’t be a stranger.
