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Friday, November 16, 2012

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude | Day 16

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude


Day 16 - I am grateful for the little things in life.

We should all take count of the little treasures that abound every day in our lives. Make a choice to become more aware of the world you live in. I see so many people just going through the motions of life, and it saddens me. Life should never be mundane. 

I would like to share with you excerpts from an encouraging story from PicktheBrain, How to Make the Most of the Mundane.

I’ve concluded that it’s in the mundane tests of day-to-day living that we ready ourselves to face exceptional challenges. It’s in the ordinary that we prepare ourselves for the extraordinary.

It’s important to note that extraordinary people only do extraordinary things some of the time. Most of the time, they’re occupied with the routine, the monotonous, the boring. In other words, they’re just like us normal people. But it’s in the mundane that they develop the skills, attitude and character traits that enable them to excel when the opportunity arises.

Extraordinary people aren’t extraordinary because of good fortune. They’re extraordinary because they make extraordinarily good use of the ordinary circumstances in their lives.

They see every choice as one between character and compromise. They recognize that a decision is never trivial, because they’re really deciding between becoming a person of greater character and becoming a person who compromises on what’s of real significance.

Every one of us will experience a limited number of defining moments in our lives—moments that tests us and reveal who we are, moments that determine our legacy.

We’ll never know exactly when we’ll be tested, so we always need to be alert. Character and integrity never take a day off. After all, a great life isn’t built in a day; it’s built day by day.

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