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Monday, November 5, 2012

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude | Day 5


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson Mandela

Day 5 – I am grateful for knowledge and the ability to learn.

Having the right to learn and gain knowledge and not doing so should be a crime.  As with voting, the right to an education is something we shouldn’t take for granted.  My father deliberately gave me his high school diploma as a keepsake, because it reads “Graduate of ___________ Negro High School”.  I deliberately left the name blank because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what high school it was, the point is everyone on this green earth should be given the freedom of an education.  I am able to share this visual with my children as an example of the struggle we had in this country for the right to learn.  It is a struggle that wasn’t that long ago.  We should never become complacent because there is always additional knowledge to be gained.  Make it a point to learn something new every day of your life.
Check out Zidbits  on online depository of information across all subject areas.

With knowledge we are able to make informed choices, innovate, and build a better world.  God has granted you the capacity to learn in a time where education is vastly at your disposal.  Don’t waste another day choosing to walk in ignorance, YOUR future depends on it.

The Struggle for African-American Education

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