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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Label Me This, Label Me That...I Am Just Me

Light Over Darkness

I read a post today that reminded me just how vulnerable and alike we all are. In her piece “Which Came First: the anxiety or the blog?” Jessica explores the sometimes weird psyche of a blogger. 
Image Source | Sodahead
One of the things I have struggled with since starting the blog over less than a year ago is wondering if I am fulfilling the label of “Blogger”. Reading the post by Jessica lead me down a train of thought about how we apply labels to ourselves as if by attaching a label we will become the definition.

Labels, Labels, and More Labels

Christian/Atheist – I call myself a Christian. Does that make me some infallible person who can’t relate to a person that doesn’t share my beliefs?  Am I a better than the next man who has decided to call him or herself an atheist?

Mom/Dad – Does being a parent make me and expert over the next person that made the decision not to have children?

Husband/Wife – I found a person that recognized my imperfections and wanted to marry me anyway.  Should this imply that I understand what it takes to find a mate and keep one?

The list can go on and on…

It is our actions that define who we are.  As I type to you 2 Chronicles 7:14 came to me. It states, “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Did you notice all the actions words? Every label must be followed by an action.  It’s one thing to call oneself something it’s a whole other thing to live up to the title.

Comparing & Coveting

I have noticed that when you start applying labels to yourself it opens the door to comparing and coveting. You begin to compare yourself to the next person that calls themselves by the same name.  After that the flesh seeks to want to become better and esteem itself higher than the next person. Instead the word of God instructs us to be meek and humble. Comparing and coveting is a vicious cycle that isn’t productive and leaves you feeling empty in the end.

Tools You Can Use

In the post How Do You Label Yourself? by Dr. Phil, he gives homework on evaluating the way you apply labels in your life.

            Ask yourself the following questions in order to start identifying and evaluating your labels.

1. How do you label yourself? Are you a career woman, a mom, an accountant, a politician? Are you a failure or a winner? Are you a "fat girl" or a "pretty girl?" Write down all the labels you attach to yourself, going back as far as you can remember.

2. Where did these labels come from? Did they come from you? Your parents? A teacher? A friend? Look at each label you wrote down in the above question, and identify where each one came from.

3. Are you living to your labels? How are your labels working for you? What are your payoffs?

Do you define your labels, or do your labels define you?

Bright Spot | No Name Calling Week


For More Information visit

Out With | Labels
In With | Originality
Thanks for reading.

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