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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Butterflies A Sign Of Climate Change

Green Living

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About two weeks ago while driving my children to school I noticed an influx of spotted orange and black butterflies swarming in an area near our house. It was so noticeable that we pulled over to take in the sight.  I am not one to ignore marvels in nature. I began to do a bit of research. While researching, I discovered a connection between the Painted Lady butterfly and El Niño.

What Do Butterflies Have To Do With El Niño?

Some evidence suggests that painted lady migrations may be linked to the El Niño climate pattern.

Read More  via - 7 Fascinating Facts About Painted Lady Butterflies

A Severe El Niño Predicted for 2015

A report says the chances of the upcoming winter bringing with it a potentially severe El Niño are 66%. A warming trend in the Pacific points to the possibility that California could be in for a drenching on the level of the winter of '97/'98 — and those who were here back then will know what that means: Start resealing those arks now.
This is good news for the California drought, now in its third or fifth year depending on who you ask.
Source: SFist Blog via National Oceanic and Atomospheric Administration (NOAA)

Akinee's Musings

The thought of my butterfly friends inspired me to write an expression entitled "Butterfly Whispers" 

Take time to notice the signs and blessings from nature, and remember the world is your classroom. Keep learning and making new discoveries.

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