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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Help Me, Help You

Light Over Darkness

Have you encountered a person that asks you to help them do something, then they sit back and watch you do all the work? We shouldn't become a crutch to someone that has the ability to walk upright on their own, nor allow yourself to be used by a lazy person. 

Instead, serve alongside those who have a heart for service. A true child of faith will have a desire to work, and will never look to take advantage of another. How we live reveals what we believe. Laziness is not a fruit of the spirit. 

Participatory Faith In Action

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. ~ James 2:26

Throughout the bible we are taught about service and faith in action. Once you commit your life to God by faith you will always have to step. Yes, step (verb. action word). Meaning you have to do something. You may require help along they way, but you must always participate.

Also, understand any help that the world offers is temporary. All human crutches are unreliable. They may help for a while but will ultimately fail, or permanently handicap you. The only help that is ever present and everlasting is that which comes from the Lord. God is always reliable and only the love of God will liberate you.

We must use wisdom when helping others. You can’t want to help someone more than they want to help themselves. We must all make our own first step. ~ A.M.

We get more accomplished when we serve together. Together We Shine!

Additional Reading 

Illuminate Living Articles On Faith | Faith

What Does The Bible Say About Laziness?  by

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