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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Six Life Lessons From Skin

Light Over Darkness

Your skin is a covering. The content of your heart matters most. ~ A.M.

The skin is a remarkable organ. These cells of skin are continually flaking off. In the course of 1 year each person sheds around 10 pounds of skin cells, which accounts for most of the dust in our homes. Our skin continually exfoliates itself. Dead skin cells are naturally exfoliated to reveal new and more radiant skin cells. Read More | The Facts About Skin Structure

What Can We Learn From Skin?

There are life lessons we can learn from skin. In life we think we have to cut people out or abruptly remove them from our lives. Instead we should understand that what is dead and has no use to us will always fall away on its own. 

We cover up and sometimes use makeup to hide what is often lacking on the inside. We neglect to heal our wounds on a cellular level. We fail to see the importance of our role in the grand scheme of life. We take more than we give. Humans can sometimes harden their hearts, and lack empathy to see from another’s perspective. I offer a remedy today. 

Maybe, we should be more like skin.

Six Ways We Should Be More Like Skin

(1.) Keep your foundation strong and stay connected to a point of nourishment 

(2.) Be adaptable and guard against harmful influences

(3.) Evolve and allow dead cells to gently exfoliate to reveal the new life that is constantly growing below the surface.

(4.) Be alive and in touch with your feelings.

(5.) Be a barrier of protection to the things that matter most to you.

(6.) Be of service. Just as the skin makes vitamin D3 when the sun shines on it. We shouldn’t just consume, we should produce something useful.

Often times in life there are multiple layers and processes at work that we may not see. What you see on the outside is not nearly as important as what is going on beneath the surface.

I hope I have given you renewed reason to love the skin you’re in. 

Until next time, thank you for reading Illuminated Living.

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