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Monday, September 29, 2014

Finding Your Way Back - Restoring Intimacy In A Marriage


It sadden me to see the news of celebrity couple Pat and Gina Neely of Food Network's "Down Home with the Neelys" ending their 20 year marriage. It begs the question, what could be so bad that after 20 years of marriage a couple couldn’t overcome? I don’t know the particulars of their situation, but I do wish them well.

Couples don’t just fall out of love, and stay out. Yes, there are times you may not love or even like each other; but eventually you find your way back to each other.

A marriage is not something you can just set and forget it. Marriage requires a concentrated effort and consistency. A couple grows apart when their love is placed on the back burner. In a marriage you must make a choice to love and to prioritize your union above all else. You may feel as if you are falling out love, but it is only a side effect of marriage neglect.

Bree Maresca-Kramer, M.A, the author of It’s That Simple! in an interview with eHarmony states that, “Couples allow their relationship to become robotic or business-like and they let go of the intimacy, the passion, the romance, and the connection, which is easy to do. It takes work to not do that.”

Love and intimacy can be restored.

We have heard of stories of couples divorcing only to find their way back to each other a few years later. One of my favorite marriage quotes is by Judith Viors, “One advantage of marriage is that, when you fall out of love with him or he falls out of love with you, it keeps you together until you fall in again.”

Couples can have sex and still lack intimacy in their relationship. True intimacy means, to really see into each other’s hearts completely.

4 Ways to Restore Intimacy In a Marriage

• Pray Together for Your Marriage
• Spend Time Together – Even if it means you have to schedule it.
• Compliment Each Other - Tip! Keep a 
“What I Like About My Spouse” journal, and share with each other.
• Get Reacquainted – People evolve, learn new things about your spouse and what makes them tick.

 Remember that love is a verb and that your marriage is top priority. Keep your love first.

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