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Monday, November 17, 2014

Peeling Back The Layers of Love

Marriage Monday

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34

You love your spouse no doubt about it.  However, are you aware that love has many layers and a complex nature? The next time you say "I Love You", think about in what way.

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The layers of love are just as diverse as the people that utter the word “love”. Understanding the different ways to love a person can be enriching to a marriage.

The Ancient Greeks had around 30 words to describe Love in all its shades and complexities. The below seven are the most commonly studied.

Agápe means "unselfish and unconditional love of one person for another without sexual implications; brotherly love”
Éros means "love, mostly of the sexual passion."
Philia means "affectionate regard, friendship," usually "between equals."
Storge means "love, affection" and "especially of parents and children"
Ludus means “playful love”
Philautia means “love of self”
Pragma means “longstanding love”

Love At Its Core

In a marriage you will experience many levels of love, some may even argue the deepest level. In every marriage, sooner or later, a need arises that can be met only by unconditional love. Agape love is the answer. An agape love imparts stability and a permanence that is rooted in the eternal. Agape love is the chief means and the best way of blessing your partner and your marriage. Your love for one another should never exclude an agape type of love. Actually, when you establish an agape love at the core of your relationship it will improve all the other ways you want to love each other.

Until next time, love each other in a special way.

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