Walking the Illuminated Path
There is a movement amongst us that refers themselves “Free
Thinkers”. Some even suggest if you
believe in God it means you have checked your mind at the door. I say nothing can be further from the truth. Where
the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.
God gave us a mind and a free will to think. So I guess we are all “Free
Thinkers”. To walk with faith in God is to truly use the full extent of your
mind. Thinking does not replace God, and God does not replace thinking.
2 Timothy 2:7 – Think over what I
say, for the Lord will grant you understanding in everything.
To grow in our faith we must think. Faith and knowledge go hand in hand. The knowledge of God intersects with every
area of our lives.
Knowledge Properly Applied
Knowledge apart from the love of God leads to pride (1
Corinthians 8:1). Acquiring knowledge is not answer to society’s ills. As we
all know there are many educated fools. We should all aim to seek knowledge,
pray for and apply wisdom, and make better choices daily.
“Until you consistently apply
knowledge in your life, to direct and manufacture your future, the knowledge
remains only a set of guidelines that serve no real purpose. The only thing
that is holding you away from converting your knowledge into “YOUR POWER”, is
your willingness to apply all the knowledge you have gained in your life. Who
and what you are in the future, will be determined by a few things. Namely, the
books you read, the people you associate with, the thoughts you think and the
inspired actions you take.” ~ Andrew
Horton, Motivational Speaker
Explore a more in depth discussion of about faith and
knowledge in an article by Tom Gilson for Thinking Christian, What
does faith have to do with knowledge?
Thank you for reading Illuminated Living today, and may you continue to walk in the knowledge of God.
Thank you for reading Illuminated Living today, and may you continue to walk in the knowledge of God.
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