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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How Tiny Insects Survive the Rain


How Tiny Insects Survive the Rain

A team from the Georgia Institute of Technology filmed the insects as they collided with raindrops.
This showed that their bodies put up so little resistance that, rather than the drop of water stopping in a sudden, catastrophic splash, the mosquito simply combined with the drop and the two continued to fall together.

Describing the the results, Dr Hu cited the Chinese martial art of Tai chi.

"There is a philosophy that if you don't resist the force of your opponent, you won't feel it," he explained.

"That's why they don't feel the force; they simply join the drop, become one item and travel together." (Excerpt from the Article)

Shouldn't we all take note from our insect friends and learn to just become one with the raindrop.  A true lesson of submitting to God's perfect will in our lives?? When life begins to rain down on us we should become one with the creator of the rain. For in each drop is a purpose.  But if we spend all of our time fighting the rain or trying to hide from it how can you receive the benefits?

Submitting to God is often the hardest of all tasks, yet it's the most necessary.  The benefits will far outweigh any storm we may face. 

Click here are a few encouraging scriptures from I Lift My Eyes Ministries. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog. and i want to visit this every day of the week .   
