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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude | Day 20


Day 20 - I am thankful to have known you.

My heart is extra heavy this morning because God decided to call one of his most humble servants home.  My aunt passed away with the night, but the love I have for her will forever live on.  I was raised to give people their flowers while they can still smell them, and that is what I have tried to live by.  In 2008 I wrote a tribute to all the women that helped shaped my life and this is an excerpt from the tribute to my beloved "Auntie Ruthie". 

Aunt Ruthie—“Auntie Ruthie”, as only I can call you. When I think of you I think of “Just Do It”.  That is the attitude that I learned from you.  No, we may not always want to and it is probably not our responsibility, but you taught me at times we just have to do it.  Your house was my other home.  You loved me through so much and protected me from so much that I could never repay what you have done for me.  I have so many fond memories of being with you and Uncle Big Jr.  Every school year I could count on Aunt Ruthie getting me at least one outfit for school.  That meant a lot to me.  I know you probably couldn’t always afford it, but you gave genuinely from your heart.  I know what a family vacation is because you thought enough to include me in yours.  I now can take my girls on vacations and show them a good time the way you did for me.  You made sure that I was always able to experience what a child should be experiencing even during my turbulent childhood.  You are at the core of some of my most fun memories with my cousin Chasisty.  I was able to go on trips, to concerts, amusement parks, and much more because of my “Auntie Ruthie”.  Thank so much not only for what you did for me, but for allowing me to have a childhood.  I love you.

Hold those you love close because tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

Psalms 116:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

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