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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude | Day 21

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude

Day 21 - I am grateful for YOU!

Here we are at the end of our 21 days, but the gratitude doesn’t have to stop.  Gratitude should be a way of life for us.  In church, at home, in our conversations with others; gratitude is the way we let our light shine for the whole world so see.  As we learn to put others first and be of service in every possible capacity let us do it with a grateful heart.  I am grateful for every one of you who take the time to stop by the blog and read what has been placed on my heart to share with you each day.  For you give my life purpose.  I pray you continue to find my words encouraging, my thoughts provoking, and the articles I share to informative.  Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING with your family and those you love the most.

Until Next Time….Shine On!

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