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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Power of Reflection


Image Source | Vi.sualizeUs
Today, I find myself reflecting on how much time I spend encouraging others. In doing so I was reminded of the quote by Ben Sweetland, “We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own”.  Often times we are so busy with our mission that we don’t take the time to reflect on all we have done. 

You see there is power in reflection. Below is an excerpt of an article by Kevin Eikenberry entitled, “The Power of Reflection”.

How to Reflect More Effectively

Make time. Reflection requires effort, thought, and time. We all have the time, regardless of how busy our schedules are. Reflect in the shower. Reflect on the drive to work (turn off your radio or your iPod and think). Reflect in the moments before you go to sleep. Reflect with your family as you eat a meal. Turn off the television. There is time – we just have to carve it out.

Ask questions. Reflection is about thinking, and questions help our brains think. Consider using this list of questions as your “starter set” of reflective questions – the questions to help you think about what happened and what you can learn.

·        What worked? Why?

·        What didn’t work? Why?

·        What does this situation remind you of?

·        How can I use this experience?

·        How does this experience relate to other situations I’ve been in? What can I learn from that situation?

·        Knowing what I know now, what would I do differently next time?

Think more broadly. Don’t just apply your thinking to how you would do this exact same task or respond in this exact same situation the next time. Our lives are too complex for that! Think about what you can take from this experience and apply to other related, or perhaps even unrelated situations. Look for generalizations, patterns, tendencies, and underlying principles. When we think more broadly, we make our reflection time infinitely more beneficial to our lives.

As a leader, we need all the learning we can get – and reflection is the most powerful opportunity we have. Applying these ideas will make you more effective, productive, and successful in all areas of your life.

Remember there is power in reflection, and know that TOGETHER WE SHINE!!

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